
But she knew if this girl didnt pull herself together and get herself on stage, she would pay for it, with her flesh. Whats your name, kid? Emily the girl responded quietly. Angel chewed on her lip a bit before continuing ok Emily, come on. She led the girl over to the counter where the other girls were busy applying make-up. Sit she commanded, pointing at the chair Angel was sitting in earlier. The girl obeyed without question. You can leave your bag back here. Im going to guess your size, stay put. Angel left the girl for a quick minute while she went over to a rack of miscellaneous clothes the dancers could wear if they didnt bring something of their own. She pulled a gold bikini top and a pair of black hot pants off the rack and went back to the girl. Tossing them at her, she then grabbed up a few bits of make-up. Change into that, Ill do your make-up. The girl looked down at the clothes here? Angel looked over at the girl, almost surprised yes, here. Angel didnt want to be harsh. I was annoyed. "What have you been doing that made you so late?"That let out all the pent up anger she had been holding. "You are not worried about me; all you are worried about is your stupid job. Why else would you let your boss fuck me whenever he likes and make me do other degrading things? You are so clueless; why do you think I am not giving you any sex? Your boss wants to be the only one getting into my pussy. What do you think he does every Friday and now on about two other occasions during the week? It pleases him that he is fucking your wife while you work at his office for no pay."He is going to cancel the office cleaning contract and make you do that also. He likes the fact that he gets all the sex from me he wants while you get none. Remember last Saturday when he called you at work? I was licking his balls and sucking his cock while he talked to you on the phone. I am not a maid, I am a sex slave. He spanks me because it gives him a hard-on. I let him suck my breasts.
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